Lefdal Cloud becomes Elkjøp Cloud
As a result of the merger between Lefdal and Elkjøp, Lefdal Cloud will become Elkjøp Cloud.
Only the name and look of the cloud service will change.
The transition from Lefdal Cloud to Elkjøp Cloud will happen gradually, starting with you now being redirected to Elkjøp Cloud’s web page to log on to the service.
You will later be informed on how to migrate apps on your computer, phone and/or tablet.
To log on to your Lefdal Cloud account through Elkjøp Cloud’s web page, click the button below:
Use the same username and password that you used when logging on to Lefdal Cloud.
Nothing unusual will happen to your files, photos or password when you transition to Elkjøp Cloud. All of your data is still safely stored in exactly the same place as before.
If you already want to migrate to the Elkjøp Cloud app on your phone or tablet, you can do so by uninstalling the Lefdal Cloud app and downloading the Elkjøp Cloud app from Google Play or AppStore.
Do you have any questions?
Contact Elkjøp Cloud support on 21 00 21 21